Sunday, 10 November 2013

The Last Week

This is it,the last week of the SP for me,Im committing to the next one as time off,time to finish quilt top,get christmas cards in order (making at least five),cleaning garden up,yer right in the heat hmm,Ill still be working but the nights and week ends will be mine for the next three months
 have to cut and trim back trees,getting the building materials out of there would be a bonus but that entails me learning to weld too so the said materials can be shifted from current position. The far right corner of yard under the giant bottle brushes is lining up to be a nice little retreat area,Ill lay sugar cane mulch down to mark beds and clear out debris from twelve months from palm tree and grass pulled from vegie garden,what ever I plant will have to be bunny inedible though so no lillies which is a shame,maybe the cordata plants,scarlet pea.
Below is a sock Ive been working for a while,its from EGMTKs bought from the Toodyay Retreat,my own pattern, basic 60 sts with a 4x4 cable repeated up one side of sock,fits beautifully too.

This week I start an online test through Curtin,20 questions and a few on references apparently,I can log in and work, saving answers as I go, need at least 70% to get a credit for whole unit as essays have averaged this time in the high 60s,Im not disappointed the important work is to come which is why Im planning on using the time off study to put together a Visual Diary of ideas and some preliminary works ,hopefully even a few major ones .I have at least four project unit to do next year. If I could take twelve months off I could finish in a year and half but with the job situation Ill be staying in job. My sons employer committed the worst thing a couple of weeks ago and as a result the company has folded leaving my son with a year to finish his apprenticeship.They have to find some place for him apparently but for a young man with bills to pay its been a shock for him. I can understand the mans for doing it,its hard when your mind gives up but I feel for his youngs children,his son's in the same situation as my own boy, but I think he ll be well looked after by his tradie Mum and mates.My son has an awesome name already,just hope theres something out there soon.The economic situation is getting worse,school budgets cut back ( I may be working alone next year), people are advertising breaking leases in Kal more and more due to loss of jobs,how ca anyone still pay $500 + a week unemployed. Anyway I have my Christmas budget and am going to stick it. Boys have their main gift wish list and it fit in my list,as long as we ere together thats all I need.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I am very sorry to read of your son's predicament. That happened to a friend's son a while ago too. I hope he finds a good placement soon.
    Yes, I can see the nice shady spot!!!!
