Friday, 29 November 2013

No another boring title,Its Saturday!!!

I really should be hanging the washing,Ive tidied kitchen and had the floor swept so really should also mop,theres a funny smell here some place but after walking around Ive determined its coming in from outside,I think something is still soaked after the massive storm late last evening.
It was an orange radar storm and we copped the middle,I thought the trees were going to snap,I got a couple of good pics and a video,

 As you may gather,it doesnt rain here much....
And in the gloom of the approaching storm,the Grevilleas glowed

And another local Blogger I found, Robbies back Yard,wonderful photographs!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, it is frightening the way the storm comes on. We have lots of electrical storms here all year round. It just batters the roses and camellias to nothing. Your grevilleas are a much better outcome!!!
