Sunday, 2 February 2014

Mad Weather

Its was hot and muggy yesterday and most of the week,today? its quite cool,well I have freezing feet and will be in trackies later I feel.
Today..went too fast,got out a bit later than usual,I could hear the on and off showers and a bit of wind,the washing was still on the line and son no3 work clothes and mine were in among it.Feeling a little seedy after a late night ,a good friend birthday bash as boys house,I only had a nip of that American Honey with a bottle of beer so I doubt that did too much harm but its almost a tonsil sort of offness,its getting around so with luck we ll make it through the going back to school illnesses as everyone congregates in one spot again.Son 5 is on teh bus ,the best bug picker upper. The Principal we have this year seems ok,very interested in the interested sort of way in the grounds so i hope he appreciates my efforts,dont go much on new assistant,too many health issues and his habits are already annoying me,never mind it will be a good year I insist on it.
Finiahed well this is the preliminary pic of the first Pay It Forward 2014 works,it went like this " I promise to make a small art work and send to the first five people who reply to post who then copy and post on their page" I have three replies and two works done
 Shearing shed
Punty Bush (Casia)
And the weaving peice is off the loom,just have to cut  and sews ends 

This is the end bit,I trippled the weft and its more closed in weave,the first section is a bit open but a wash  and dry in dryer may pull it together,wondering if I rewarp loom with the 12 DPI next or wait and get some 8ply cotton from Bendy for a thicker ones. The last bit pictured is an experimental piece,Ill sew ends under and use it as a table centre topper,I played with some texture there too with a few random bobbles,thinking of adding lazy daisies! Hmm its fun!!

1 comment:

  1. I have an issue yet again,cleaned out computer and when I signed back into Google it signed back in to old Blog which I couldnt figure out except you can have two so Ive revamped old one for now here at
