Grey Shrike-Thrush with photos here, In the first link there a recording,i worked who he was from searching through the Birds Australia
It would appear he and his mate who Ive never heard or seen have taken possession of our garden and severals others as they have a territory of some size and mate for life as well,I surley hope that pesky cat next door hasnt knocked off his mate cause hes doing an aweful lot of calling from day break to around 11 then in the afternoon to dusk.
The frog are really belting it out over in the swamp behind us,Im going out this even ing to see if I can get a recording of the spotted thigh frogs
On this site theres recordings of frogs in this area,scroll down to find this fello,we also IDed the Shoemaker and another couple
Yes I love frogs,Im currently still setting up a corner in garden where I can establish a froggy motel,would ideally need a large camp oven like this,still holds water but no good to cook with,cant waste a good oven,lol. My reason being memories of the one that sat in the garden under the big plum tree,there was hardly any cover except for shade and boy didn't the green tree froggies love it,taddies all summer.
On the other front the day was turned very warm and muggy with weather warnings for wild weather ,yer right,hail wind and storms for us,the area within/compassing Yalgoo to Kalgoorlie through to Norseman and Southern Cross.Theres a couple very heavy storms passing through Norseman,will be interesting if any form and come through here,Ill have to dash out and put away the bags of fleece I have out drying from the flood last Wednesday,only a bit at base of a couple bags but wanted to see if I could get the collected moisture out of another couple bags,theres a prise winning fleece from Wagin as well,the bag has rotted so Ill be grabbing a few large bins from Kal,Ill have time to do something with them later as wool doesnt really decay,a wash and card and it ll be fine.
Weaving,got the cotton,still waiting fro new reeds but have warped and trying this
not happy with the weave itself it a bit open,using Cotolin.60 cotton 4o linen,the new reed is a 10DPI which should be a closer match,Ive doubled the yarn both warp and weft but still not suited to the 7.5.Ill finish it .weave singles for end and cut off,then roll ends and sew,even if I only use as cleaning cloths it wont be wasted. dying to do an arty one as a table centre.I ordered these colors from ashford Australia,beaut service,kept in contact and were quick,Id started an order with Petlins for similar colors but stopped completing order as they wanted it faxed through when I wanted ti use CC instead of Paypal as I hadn't topped up that account,bingo a parcel arrived with the white and lighter shades of green and blue,no idea where the moneys come out,Ill check accounts again on Tuesday and will ring them too as theres a couple other bit i want yet.Need a second 5DPI and a pair of 12DPIs to weave thick arty stuff and fine lace weights (re Wollmeise lace I have stashed),Im hoping they dont sent bailiff lol.
Got busy yesterday and made Plum Jam,from this recipe, it was simple and fairly easy,its more like preserve though and it sort of soaks into the bread,toast is ok,I got three jars of the dorito sauce size. You can tell it shop bought fruit,it lasts the zing but Im not going to complain,it felt god to be cooking something that was part of life in the bus,next will be fig,from dried figs,this recipie at the shop,not sure about impoted fruit but it be fun either way,after that Ill make another batch of apricot but might cheat and add pectin this time.
finally broke and balled this optum up,dont go much on color,going to sit and look at it ,maybe Ill redye it raspberry and grey or purple and orange,dont know gloriously soft,buggered up the plying,somehow over the three years or so it sat on the wheel i spun half back to front,lol
And some bunny pics,both were sitting out in the green"acrage" foraging as bunnies do but heard me and split up,Miz buuny coming over to see what food I had and Fluffa sat for a mere second before disappearing past me to his camp spot,I think I needa few more to keepup with lawn
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