Saturday, 26 October 2013

Summer on its way

Its gotten quite warm today,the winds up a little but hope its stays mild,I dread the extra work on Monday,blowing the grounds is a big job and both arms are now as bad as the other,hoping assistant will turn up.He leaving soon ...The carpet roses will like this bit of heat and hope gain they look like taking off.
Son 3 graduates Monday evening,cant believe how time has flown,hes off for Fitness training in Perth after Christmas,mean while hes getting as much fun time stuff in before he signs away his life for 6 years
So tired today,stayed up late polishing essay,when its loged I ll post a bit of ite here,after having Smark thinking look at Im decided my essay writing has reached its peak and hope I can scrape through test and next year the last two units before creating a body of work
Looking forward to the drawing unit but a bit scared at the type of work.I have to put some dollars on Writecheck later to submit essay (to check for plagiarisms)and then taking plunge and tossing it into dropbox,then its a mad dash to catch up on three weeks of readings and extras for online testing a fortnight,essay dropped at beginning of week 10 and test starts at beginning week 12 . My main concern with this essay is that I should put a bit of paraphrasing in,never having used it before, Im skeptical there shouldbe ,theres one or two intext citations per paragraph which I think are good,I m hoping
get around 67 to 70%
Have to take Bunnies in for their vaccinations on Tuesday,Blaze(Mz Bunny) is settling in well and keeping Fluffa Bunny company,I hope its a natural thing as she has a small lump on her tummy near a teat,so will get vet to check and organize a desex which should pull up any cancer problems they can fall prey to. Currently they are camped out on the verandah out of the wind in a coolish spot. With graduation on Monday night Im taking Tuesday off not only o get over late night but also to do vet run. Hubby roasted coffee last night at shop and he came home very late stinking of the burnt coffee smell,broke my sleep and he must have brought a bit of dust home with him as Im heavy chested today
A bit of brightness,I pray for the day Hubby cleans his mess up in the yard and garden so we can have the garden up looking good again

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to your son. Well done you too, I can barely remember being at the TCAE/ Uni. I don't know how you do it. It is much harder when you have a proper life now than being young and carefree!!!
