Now I know I only did two days this week but arriving at work on Thursday and OMFG,no work had been done,according Boss no sign of the person for nearly two days although had entered time book. Dead and dying plants,the ground was rock hard around them,the lawns not mowed,well ..half an attempt had been made,too hot apparently,no raking or picking up of rubbish...a typical comment,"we knew you weren't here cause the lawns were scruffy" at lest Im not that invisible lol. Give out instructions in a tight lipped way and rush to do double duty to reclaim beautiful grounds. Found said person asleep today,obviously a hangover involved.Count down to Christmas when he shall be no more.Unwashed,same clothes for 5 days,shaggy teenage looking whiskers,just like catweasle scroll down and you will understand...including the other sensory bits as in description though I would put it more like rotten scrambled eggs.

Now I have that off my chest,hows your Christmas planning going?, Im taking boys in tomorrow for their special shopping and I have a list to finish,not much,just a few things that will brighten the day,thankful we can do it.Hubbys running shop so much he wont make it so shopping for myself from him as well myself to him,lol
Ive bought a skein of Laceweight Wollmeise, naughty but next year I doubt Ill be able to buy any,
Tomorrow I shall get a bottle of this

I loved it last Monday and thought Id drop hint for the boys to pool and just get that for me! I will one day pick up Dot and Honey and the So Fresh version,at around $70? it ll be a while,White Linen is another one Id love,whenever we ve been on the bones of our butt,having a bit of nice perfume makes one feels so much better
Now on the hottest day weve had I had to go and do this...
It has been infused with Spiced Rum

Simply cause Patrick left it there from the night before and although I hate Rum ,this wasnt too bad!
The weather has gotten hotter and hotter since Monday to a big 43' on Wednesday, then a cooler 25;yesty and in came the rain today to a chilly 15' and damp
What a beautiful sound it made on the tin roof of the front verandah,I came home to swap for Bike due to the reports of hail in Coolgardie and Kalgoorlie,luckily I only saw a couple of small possible bits of hail. BTW I took bike back to work carefully during a break in storm as there was no where safe to put car but the bike could park in gym! I discovered or remembered cold bike tires and greasy wet bitumen do not mix,a slow trip it was !
Something Ive been working on too,A wonderful fellow Wollmeise lover sent a ball of natural to make this hat,I had the Schwartz,Ill be done by tomorrow and then back to generous pwerson she is with remainder of white!,I shall weight everything and estimate what I used in that contrast so I can keep an eye on any destashes for future hats! This Ive knit without too much tension as others have noted its a firm fit but Ive tried it on and am reasonably happy with it.