Saturday, 21 September 2013

Oh what a slacker

The essay for this unit is done and dusted,Ill throw it at Turnitin shortly,correct grammar etc though have to so careful as I followed its recomendations last unit and I lost marks,so embarrassing that the tutor picked up on my mistakes and almost told me my writing skills were below standard,of it was the blasted turnitin changed things I didnt see,WTF??
Anyway different teacher,different unit,
 Examine the art of one artist of the 18th century whose work was influenced by Enlightenment ideals. I chose Chardin,but the two books I really needed havent turned up,I have until tomorrow at 5pm to lodge it but I have 9 references of the 8 I was required to have,I hope I havent waffled too much and have made sense.
The next one I think will be the impact of photography and lithographic work of art (painting) during the 18th century I think,a fellow student gave me the heads up for the right book but at $120 from Booktopia,not sure if I can afford to buy books this time,the shop is struggling and I have fees to pay this week for son no 5,all $1400 worth,pay comes in, pay goes out,pity I have no spare for holidays and just as well the boys are happy to sit of computers all day everyday with the only breaks is me badgering housework and then work at shop...
Big days in Kalgoorlie,Race Round,half the wealthy and young competing for best dressed and put doing each other in the drinking stakes,i doubt many watched the gee gees go round,me? nah,grew up with racehorse they ruined many a childhood memory of sitting outside the pubs on the way home,dad use to visit each if he could,driving up to three hours at night wandering all over the road is not a fond memory.How the cops never got him has me beat..
I think a group of "ladies" and I mean ladies asked me to join them for a few hours of well dressed fun I would but Id rather spend time at home in peace,the days of high heels are well gone for me
I did take Tilly for another walk on Friday afternoon. Late and camera battery died but I got these,a bit hard with Tilly pulling on her lead to sniff something out her reach

Saturday, 7 September 2013

Post Election,rain and peace

Its dawned a nice spring day with a bit of cool in the breeze but not too bad,Tillys waiting for a walk but Ill take her later when the grounds a bit less slippery
mean while
1. I has Saltwater Sandles,soo comfy, these are available (where you can find them,very popular) in lime orange(limited edition) white, silver ,black, navy,red, yellow and some mixed one
 2. new fleece,corrie polwarth, its very dark,better in person,the lights too bright

Merino,64s,sooo soft

 See the length
The tips on both are divine

 and to top the day off,the Clivia has put on a magnificent show this year, maybe its telling me repot time

Voting day 13

Well after running to Kalgoorlie with Tilly to get her last needle,one I didnt know she was having as last appointment was the last with only a check up today,the vet nurse told me this and i very nearly cancelled as I didnt see the point of running all the way in to be told shes holding up fine. Anyway got home dropped Tilly off to vote,bunch of sad faces they were,only a about three people there when I wnt through,zip zip zap and I was out of there,went to Shop as Hubbys got it open today on from 5am to 8pm, how he will manage I dont know, but got stuck there as it rained really well and the roof had a leak,grabbed some groceries,flew home loaded Pat in and off to hockey,yay they won,into the Final next week! Last game for Pat as hes not intending to play next year as he should be enlisted by then(they keep putting him back a month so instead hes going after any position available,Im not happy there Id rather he went in at trade level but like so many small towns he wants to get out)
Now Im home,fires going and shortly Ill rug up and see if I can get some more words down,up to 700 out of the needed 1679..
I finally scored a pair of Saltwater sandles too,they arrived yesty,in the tan colour,hopefully with wear they ll soften up quiet nicely,also a gorgeous bundle of fleece,corrie polwarth in the deepest balck Ive seen with another kilo of silver white merino,intend spinning soon in the raw with only flicking the ends,pics soon but they came from  Belor Blacks Black and Coloured Sheep Stud. They been winning a lot of ribbons too.It was  just too dark today for any camera stuff.
So tired tonight but Ill see how I go,Im also nearly done with another Turn a Square,only the shaping at top to do...fell in love with this one too,so simple,Im going to invest in the same yarn and colours,boring but its that combination that drew my attention
And this link will help with stripey things too,so many lovely things,so little time.I gifted a pair of ChurchMouse , Welted Mittens in factyesty,the recipient was amazed and very happy.I was happy to make her happy. Cant wait for the warmer weather to start!!

Wednesday, 4 September 2013


The year is over for me really,sports day today and thats been my sigh of relief every year. You see the previous gardener used to tell the admin that they were too busy to mark oval,well guess what,when I started in senior position I was called into office and reminded part of my job was marking for the big sports day,Yay!!! Wonderful,never done it before,..tear hair out and all that, very lucky for me the sports teacher the then lovely lady and her Dad and boyfriend spent the Sunday marking the center oblong which was essential to get the track right,if interested have a look here and scroll down to the actual field layout,so I was literally eased into how to mark field,extra lucky for me the following year the local mine lend a hand by sending in their survey team and marked the center oblong making it easy for me and the gorgeous volunteers to get the rest done,it took from 8am to 7.30pm with one teacher( who went to jail later on but thats another story) coming down with a few beers at end,I couldnt drink obviously,lol but what a day. Onwards to the next year I was stuck to do it myself and no vollys but the sports teacher only wanted a few straight runs easy peasy,roll onto next one and bugger whole mark up on  the little oval,all guess work but as long as it measured the distances not fussed.One straight line all around barely grassed oval,with the finishing straight with lanes. The last three years Hubby and I, on our own have marked up the professional one as seen in above linky,it has been close call for divorce each time but we did it in 4 hours,this year we managed in just over three ,what a relief.the reason this year? we finally worked out with permission of football club to paint mark the fence to make the string lines up and if we were quick enough the exact center was still clear from the footy markup.Phew....This year rain threatened but they managed to get through the day,the sports teacher is fresh out of college and asked me this morning to go back to mark 400 and 300m relay,he survived the conversation to do his job,lol (my boss had told me just do basic mark up)
hence my big job of the year is done and now the count down to holidays then onto Chrissy!! The assistants job today was spreading sugar cane through the garden beds to which Boss warned me the cleaners will not be happy cause when they blow the undercover the mulch flies everywhere,that's what I m up against,if its not weather and drought etc its people and their petty little jibes. Waiting to see tomorrow how it pans..Sometimes i love my job and other days I think why did I get this job.Maybe cause in Spring I see the gorgeous flowers i work all year to get and make other people happy to see as well

On the knitting front,I have one more Reading mitten done and the second started,one pair is going to our lovely neighbor who runs the paper shop,her shop is freezing and at long last i have something to give her!Going to wool shop next week to get another colour,the purple was very nice but will have a gecko to see whats what.i need two more hand made things for the Payitforward group!
On the weaving front,didnt do any last night, read up for essay instead,no hockey training tonight due to son will horrible chest infection for which non English new Doctor prescribed antibiotics for infected throat,chemist man assured me the prescription will be fine for chest as well,I hope so,haven't seen Paddy so sick,and with his microdial? leakage in his heart it always worries me hell have a heart attack or something no matter how small. Well with that Im off for a warm shower and then dinner then study and hopefully a spot of weaving,I can get up to 6 inches in one sitting now.Ta ta!

Monday, 2 September 2013

One job out of the way

yes its warming up here and that means one thing..shearing time with little scissors....

Can you see that big fluffy tail? I left him with some dignity...and me? well a fast track to shower cause Im allergic to Bunny fluff
My youngest took pics,had to drag him away from Computer lol