Saturday, 31 August 2013

Our morning walk

Magnificant display this year,we had rain at the right time despite being a dry winter in WA.

 A rare pic of myself...I look so,hmm mature ,lol really I wear size 10!

and stopping to watch the passengers jump from their plane........................................Tilly wants to go home.

hanging on

Its been a horribly windy day all day with a coolish effect that I felt warm one minute and then chilly the next,couldn't do photos either and I think Tillys disappointed she has gotten a walk. She carried her lead out to the door this morning and wasn't very happy when I put her in car,she tried to take lead from me,hahaha,wrong direction,the bush is this way Mum.Last needle this morning with a check up next Saturday. I m super happy she well again and supper happy one less trip to Kal(120ks round trip) and only a couple left for hockey too.
I have four weeks to write 1800 words to this question,Examine the art of one artist of the 18th century  influenced by Enlightenment.... a new topic each week for which I ll have a test in ten weeks but Im concentrating on this essay and then the next before i cram and cram,I spent about 6
$60 this morning on books to help as it requires 8 authored references and the uni library 
stressed? nah not me!!! silent screaming,why do I put myself through this?? to know I do have brains and that I am of some worth
Id much rather spend it on a stand for AKL

While watching the last episode of Broadchurch last night on ABC Iveiw i weaved the bit that on the shuttle,and bugger ations ,found a torn frayed thread,I loosed it (the tension on loom) tied a new section in and it might work,wont be perfect but I rustic enough,i had intended weaving bits of homespun red silk merino but the warp is too musk coloured (Bendigo 2 ply wool),anyhow i take pics when theres more than the ten inches I have now,Im using a haddle that should be for 8 ply I think but the weave seems ok,light and loose i month after school fees are paid ill order white and lime cotton and attempt to do tea towls
Now just for picture wise fun and visual interest

 Except this one below all are eremophilas,or emu bushes, I d had fun watching these grow and its the one thing that keeps me in my job

Saturday, 24 August 2013

Oh two in one night

Came across this and thought why not
Making : Project bags in wonderful colours
Cooking : Sour Cream Lemon cake
Drinking : Dilmah tea brewed in a real pot
Reading: Spin Off
Wanting: To have a week off work
Looking: Forward to school holidays when Ill have school grounds all to myself
Playing: with tinted charcoal
Wasting: Time when i could have started reading new readers for essay
Sewing: See above lol
Wishing: to be better at time management
Enjoying: the sun this weekend
Waiting: for some peace in my mind
Liking: my new toys
Wondering: If i can manage to get the school oval marked up for sports on my own seeing Hubbys bailed
Loving: My boys humour
Hoping: the weather warms up
Marvelling: at the colour in the wattles in every shape and form
Needing: a friend to go shopping with and do girly stuff
Smelling: those wattles.....
Wearing: my PJs
Following: nobody
Noticing: Hubbys moods
Knowing: Im stuck with him
Thinking: Of the loom I wanted to redo
Feeling: tired of having no time to sit
Bookmarking: everything of interest
Opening: a new chapter in study
Giggling: at sons reply to Facebook post (they er called Mingas Mum)
Feeling: a bit lost

As the person before me did,heres a blank for those who like to do this too

Making :
Cooking :
Drinking :

Ho Hum,didum

Havent got much to say,Took Tilly to vets for her injection this morning,three hours later back in for Hockey,240kms ,now I need to fuel up again... Game was  lost to opponents but Pat had a good run and drenched in sweat when I picked him up,thought it was funny to throw the wet singlet at me...
While he was playing I ducked off to Bunnings to get the spray paint for marking the sports on Monday,Ill take camera this time and post results this week some time. Hubbys supposed to be helping but he announced hes off to the big smoke to pick a load of stuff he needs for shop.  Luckily youngest has a day of school(religious study day apparently) so he can be my offsider for a couple of hours though Ill probably have to pay him...
Saw the most disturbing thing while waiting for Pat to grab a iced drink from Maccas,three young ladies walked past on their way in,the first two past muster for dress but boy the third one? dressed in a skin colour ed top clingy almost revealing in that,but it was the shorts that stunned me..chiffon french nickers do not constitute as outer wear for public view,to make matters worse she'd got out of car with a mighty wedgie so the G string got a good show of sunlight as well,to see two stark white "arse" cheeks wobbling past before she frantically tried to pull everything into place was not a good look. What do the parents of these lasses think when they let them out in clothes like this,I know we should be able to walk around safe no matter what but for dignity and even protection from the sun we should dress a bit more decorously.The male passenger on the other hand declared no opposition but did admit those girls arent for dating.His hilarious response to my mature opinion  was made worse when she reappeared and obviously thinking he was checking her out..
Anyhoo,I picked up new "things" at Black row Studio on Thursday and had a play last night and yep those two new projects bags in the back,still have to do draw strings

Maybe tomorrow I can have another play before i get ready to start next unit yay!!

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Just a Shorty

Tonight I feel so tired,my week off uni and had planned to do all those things I cant while pursuing that higher knowledge..I did get the old Bernina Record 830 out last night,warmed her up,cleaned and got running ,well it purred right from start but warmed her up anyway,Id cut out two more project bags the night before so finished them up to the point of adding draw strings,Ill add pics when I have finished them,tonight however I thought Id get the AKL out,undo what I have on there and redo with some added embellishments,hand spun silk wool in raspberry a bit like the saori looms that are gaining popularity as in Moggy n Me blog .I been sitting her getting cold(have lit fire but the doors open waiting for Mz bunny to grace us with her presence,Fluffas already in and camped on the carpet in Lounge,bless him)
Short story,Hubbys waiting for a shipment of fish stocks for shop and said this afternoon he may \need me to come down and keep shop while he sorted that,haven't heard boo yet and am wondering if truck has already been and gone...hes helping me next week
A... mark up oval for sports
B... drive truck into town for the load of supplies Ive ordered for my work,20 bags of NPK and 36 packs of sugar cane mulch plus 40 bags of soil compost is not a load i can get home in Cruiser
Hence despite my reluctance to work in shop I have to pay back by doing so. Race round is coming up too so most of staff will be going that direction and again Ive been warned I may have to attend shop duties. 5 weeks from now I have to have ready an 1800 words essay,havent picked topic yet though the one due 5 weeks after that I have.All that reading is going to wipe me out,Im flat to hold my eyes open now. The last week or so Ive found I haven't consumed enough water,having coffee and tea at tea breaks and lunch hasn't helped,my lips are dry and mouth getting chalky . It has passed my mind a lot lately to drop study, not sure how being a Commonwealth Supported Student works if I did,theres 10 units left to do not counting next one (sounds better lol) at end Ill have doe all up 26 as i did more than I was supposed to in first year but course leader has let me continue on as registered Degrees so I should be more positive. The amount of time I have left means I cant even take a SP off next year,I have to finish in 7 years,been at it 3 and bit, I think at part time I have two years and two SP left. f I could take a year off work I could fast track it in half that but money always wins and Im not dropping $49 gees yet

Blast from the past,I was 19 years old when Dick Smith flew in to look at our old shed,he was doing a round Australia trip documentary, Grandfather had been interviewed a few years prior by Bill Peach simply because of this grand old shearing masterpiece, take notice of the cardigan he swearing,Im pretty sure this is the one I rescued when I helped Mum clean up after Dad went, Grandfather died a year or so after this interveiw. It was mended a bit but still solid, blue grey basic 8 ply,who knitted it I dont know,either Nana or My Aunty,its far too big for me but I washed it carefully and it held up extremely well,a tribute to merino wool.  I have always believed holding onto the past can have severe repercussions for ones health but really its identity and without that history you have nothing to hang onto. I say with care as I can see some in my own family, battling demons and I struggle myself but know I have to be there for my sons.

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Oh where is Spring!

The weathers turned cool to cold again and the winds I normally expect in September are blustering their way around for the last four days..not nice weather to go walking,,probably handy as poor Tilly has been uncomfortable for the last few days too with arthritis making its nasty appearance,vets yesterday(my RDO) so shes been given injections to get the medication going and a glucosomine supplement on top of tablets,$75 for the fish powder,might do a shop around me thinks when put on top of $130 sport shoes for big footed baby of family(sz.14 at 14 years,yikes).Wallet is looking sad....
 The Sour Cream lemon cake I made early in week,Choccy one in back ground also a success,so yummy
 Mits ready to go for a gift part of PIF,Im starting another pair in same colour but the Reading pattern this time,more gifts,
 And for success,totally happy with this altered I did for this tea pot,in handspun and dyed fibre from wool and Alpaca laps Hubby found over 6 years ago in the seconds shed at Bendigo Wool mill,roughly thrown at wheel and I think it was the yarn that resulted from my first experience with Navajo plying
 Really made my hands sore as I used 4.5 mm needles when it should been 5.5 or even 6mm,anyhow Ill get around to writing this pattern up shortly,so easy and effective,theres a wee bit of yarn left so will make something for the lid
 And Thursday the new cables turned up fro my fav seller on Ebay for Knit Pro bits,have cast on a mobius cowl,first one with that top I spun from Toodyay by Mandy at EGMTKs,in the luscious merino BFL,Targhee and Shetland,its such a dream mix,hoping she will offer it again,this one is called "Forest Floor"
 Just a green pic of celery about to be transplanted
 Some oak leaf,the last of Hubbys seeds,Ill put a couple in my patch to let go to seed for him as I havent put any other lettuce in there.

 The guilt free vegie garden,Ive planted three tomatoes...but they didn't stand out in pic so later when they look better?

Last is an update on the Seville oranges,hoping to make marmalade this year and stop being lazy,the one Blood orange I have is still waiting patiently to ripen fully,very rich red looking,it ll be a family event as I want everyone here to witness its plucking and cutting as these boys havent seen one before.. cheers Im off to desperately  to finish essay like every day of this week

Saturday, 10 August 2013

The birdies are singing

I think they are trying to convince me that springs here,Yay..except the wind is breezy cool and the soft floaty winter grey clouds keep rolling over,Im back in trackies and jumper ( a cheapie mens cotton v neck from Target for $10 ,yay,got three more for work,looks efficient and presentable and comfortable) and today is the day I wanted to finish essay,140 words to go lol,then rewrite it this week. Well after  two late nights,Friday i stayed up to watch in SBS Online the new Vikings series,a bit murderous but it was good,look forward to next episode, and Broadchurch (No 5)on the ABC iveiw,no I haven't bothered to go buy a new remote for our "new " digital TV form Dick Smith.The peace in the house is wonderful without the background noise or distractions of the big box,I do miss going to bed to watch a fav show before going to sleep.On the good side besides peace Im staying out in the family area and completing more spinning and other UFOs.
Well as I was going onto to say,Friday night was a late one,11.30,last night was a freezing sit down at Hockey Stadium in Kal to watch Pat compete  with his team,they won 7 to 0 so definitely in the high chances of winning this year and we didnt get home til nearly 10 pm, getting so cold on top of no dinner put paid to me,this morning Ive woken to stuffy nose.The pollen content is high too with the yellow wattles really coming into their season!This mornings shot.
Im over half way with Vestish,pics when i get the body done,Ive stuck to pattern pretty well and have used up exactly 4 balls of the Jo Sharp Dk,its not a soft yarn but it holds definition very well and is easy to knit with,I can work without watching every sts quite well which is handy as I can read to a certain degree as I knit.
Going to try not to start another big project til this ones is done..
Looking on Handmade Factory this morning and came across these two sites
This little gem, Im already thinking of what I have in stash to do Tee!
Oh just to add I saw this fello this morning,his cal was so forlorn and lonely sounding'
Its a cuckoo,this one to be precise  and this site 
And he sounded like this
When we first entered the bush I was delighted to see a Robin,I think this was him,last week it was a eye catchingly brilliant wren who was far too quick for me to catch a photo and with my current lenses but this one wasnt so shy so next time Ill go without the doggy to see if I can! He was very busy and came quite close to us and wasnt really fazed by Tilly!!
Sniff Sniff,hes in here somewhere!!!Tails wagging vigorously!

Sunday, 4 August 2013

I went for a walk..

so here are some more wildflower action...

LOL I can see a yellow theme here but how gorgeous things are out the bush at the moment,I hope soon to take a drive to see if I can find something a bit more descriptive other then a few on the ground shots,Ive been practicing with the macro lense and different Aperture settings
And of course some pics of UFOs not in the basket anymore
This is handspun Angorina from Charly at Ixchel Fibres,roughly a worsted weight, my own pattern and if I can find the bit of left over from the Abalone Ill attempt two poms poms on cord for the crown!,very Soft and Very Warm,it also matches the cowl I did a few weeks ago

 Turn a Square for Tom!! In Bendigo 10ply Luxury. Love this pattern,will be doing another soon as I have heaps left on the ball..its black but sun was very strong..

And started Vestish in a discontinued DK from Jo Sharp I was lucky to inherit from a destash in Toodyay,nearly to the waist shaping now so it should a quick one I hope as the weathers moving towards warm very quickly