The weathers turned cool to cold again and the winds I normally expect in September are blustering their way around for the last four days..not nice weather to go walking,,probably handy as poor Tilly has been uncomfortable for the last few days too with arthritis making its nasty appearance,vets yesterday(my RDO) so shes been given injections to get the medication going and a glucosomine supplement on top of tablets,$75 for the fish powder,might do a shop around me thinks when put on top of $130 sport shoes for big footed baby of family(sz.14 at 14 years,yikes).Wallet is looking sad....
The Sour Cream lemon cake I made early in week,Choccy one in back ground also a success,so yummy
Mits ready to go for a gift part of PIF,Im starting another pair in same colour but the Reading pattern this time,more gifts,
And for success,totally happy with this altered I did for this tea pot,in handspun and dyed fibre from wool and Alpaca laps Hubby found over 6 years ago in the seconds shed at Bendigo Wool mill,roughly thrown at wheel and I think it was the yarn that resulted from my first experience with Navajo plying
Really made my hands sore as I used 4.5 mm needles when it should been 5.5 or even 6mm,anyhow Ill get around to writing this pattern up shortly,so easy and effective,theres a wee bit of yarn left so will make something for the lid
And Thursday the new cables turned up fro my fav seller on Ebay for Knit Pro bits,have cast on a mobius cowl,first one with that top I spun from Toodyay by Mandy at EGMTKs,in the luscious merino BFL,Targhee and Shetland,its such a dream mix,hoping she will offer it again,this one is called "Forest Floor"
Just a green pic of celery about to be transplanted
Some oak leaf,the last of Hubbys seeds,Ill put a couple in my patch to let go to seed for him as I havent put any other lettuce in there.
The guilt free vegie garden,Ive planted three tomatoes...but they didn't stand out in pic so later when they look better?
Last is an update on the Seville oranges,hoping to make marmalade this year and stop being lazy,the one Blood orange I have is still waiting patiently to ripen fully,very rich red looking,it ll be a family event as I want everyone here to witness its plucking and cutting as these boys havent seen one before.. cheers Im off to desperately to finish essay like every day of this week