Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Woohoo,UFOs off the list

Today is brought to you by Patonyle DK in Jade and Red 

The vest is the Bendigo pattern I modified a wee bit as I didnt want the neck line too high,I have two more lots of Bendy DK waiting for this pattern but will make one a vee and the other like this one but adding at least ten rows to body,I envisage wearing this over a black long sleeve top or a white cotton shirt,also I think for a lower neck line like this one a few less sts too as it blouses a bit but after blocking it does sit ok! Soo soft and warm! Oh whay did they stop making this yarn in DK!! This took 7 balls too,I have two more stashed which will be more socks.Please ignore the strands under arm,couldnt find needle to sew in!

 Oh look the back yard is still ok!! Hubbys hasnt chucked stuff around yet!I may get to have Sunday breakfast out there this week!
 These are wonderfully warm,Im wearing them now!!! Three balls! So just above mid calf!

 The vegie garden is taking shape again!
The oranges are getting there too,the one blood orange left is being watched carefully

Monday, 29 July 2013

Oh Bugger,is that the date?

Just on dusk yesty I remembered,the date,I had to put together a birthday parcel,and then I thought,I saw a tutorial of a project bag,thinking thinking,where did I see this tute...
Oh here it is,many thanks to 2paw and away I went to this place In Color order
AND behold

Took about an hour while I was cooking dinner,love it and want one for me
Thank you dear Cindy!!

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Oh Sunday where do you go!

Yesterday and Friday it was hectic here in getting prepared for son No 3 18th,it was raining on and off and damp but I managed to edge the garden and mow it again,so by Saturday at 2pm we were ready to go,a huge crowd turned up,quite a few uninvited guests as friends brought their mates and family. By 11pm the old age had me evicting a handful of rowdy drunks who looking for a squabble. It was funny in the after fact as my sons cheered my decision but in the way I would have liked.I dislike the abuse of alcohol and to see young girls drinking like fish literally and swaying in and out to the loo,two or three at a time I found not very likeable. They were lovely most of them and in the culture here and I suspect most small town,getting pissed at what ever party was going at the moment.I didnt know a lot of the people here but were able to,due to my job pick the underage and boot them.I am however glad this was in a small town,had it been in a larger population we would have had to involve strict conditions and even Police may have been enlisted. As it was the 6 or so naughty ones went off to carry out their blues elsewhere and not in my back yard,shudder to think what may have been.
So today im absolutely shattered.I did however managed to cook two cakes,one for Sons as a belated Birthday cake,Devils Food cake and YAY,it looks fine,Ive been having problems with my Technika Oven,wished I hadnt bought the blasted thing and hung on to get a fully gas one,but this time the cooking angels smiled with the Kitchen Aide.Its Hubbys at the moment as he needs it in the shop but its been home for a week so though Id better do something with it but he has informed me hes thinking of getting the bigger one so this one will stay here if he does.i miss my Sunbeam though...

Thats real Chocolate too,waiting for son to come home to cut it!!I decided not to do this for actual party,these people dont appreciate  cake and it becomes a game of duck the lumps as it flies in all directions

And while the oven was hot ,thought wed use up some oranges sitting in the fruit bowl,its marvelous too as you can see afternoon tea has tested already.The only thing I changed was I beat whole eggs instead of folding in the whites last.Ill do that next time!

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Oh me oh my

I can hear rain on the roof,its the start of that big weather change coming through I think,theres severe weather warnings all afternoon but not sure if it will be for here as well,being inland means we usually only get the tail of bad weather ,except last Wednesday,now that was a wild windy icy day,not much got done at work I can tell you,the cleaners were inside doing the holiday clean up,me well I huddled over a half working heater every time I came back inside,must have been at 6 '.The remnants came through over night and dumped tree mess everywhere. Ive just got the grounds back in some order when the weather man announced this one,grrr.At least we have enough wood for another week,at $180 a load its getting expensive,now the truck has its new radiator we ll be able to go out and get  a bit.
My middle boys 18th this Saturday,they are growing up so fast now,Im planning on leaving work an hour or so early as the yard and house is a mess,I just hope we can pull everything together for his party.
This is where we usually go for wood,on a nice clear Winters day the sky is sooo blue, I think Ive shown these before but I just love the colours!

Monday, 22 July 2013

Second one

And Im going to be seriously pissed if I cant get in here tomorrow
And this is what may happen,lol


oops that was a bit loud..sorry,well Ive started a new blog,I got locked out of my old one and I found out that now to verify,I needed information I never had or even imagined I need.for Gods sake and there was no help desk anywhere with Goggle where i could explain my dilemma.I like to write for in this lonely life of mine,writing lets me be free and of course a little weird....

so now Im here,I have a suspicion I may be able to reenter that blog at some stage but for the moment,this will be my new woohoo,silent companion to talk blather etc
Pics to celebrate
What I did on the weekend after I dropped off my essay...
 A skein of Mosley park sock in pink merino that may become that cowl sitting near it,the green ball is singles of camel silk and bunny,not sure what Ill do yet,if I ply it ,Im hoping there ll be enough for a feather cowl
 Current spin,merino and bamboo
 More bits I skein-ed up,the brown is Bison,Ive had it for at least 4 years so bugger it it ll be socks very soon,the white and pink dyed balls are going to be hiking socks,see a theme here,lol
 Hoping thos dyed Panda will stripe ....
 Close up of the corriedale
 Possum,the brown floofy and the blue is two ply baby wool,the multy is 3 ply merino,while dye pots were out
The Pics turned somehow while I transferd them,oh hang on I forgot the batch before them I did
Anyhoo,this next one is some divine baby alpaca gifted as part of a hand spun swap a few yeas back,its so buttery,so Ive washed it and found some deep purple,not sure what it is but use that to extend fr a pair of welted mittens

That spot of purple there below,Im hoping to have enough to add to this lot for a vest,Ill take it to town next to match it as I think that where it came from,,its either some NZ fine merino or merino silk,its very soft.The rest is a mix of hand spun carded corriedale silk,I may reskein and wash so I can measure the metres,but a play of colour would be nice
 And possum,seehow big that ball is,theres a cone of bendigo lace weight sitting nect to it and yess its destined to be sock for Hubby,possum twat fluff I called it ,originally for a beanie but hes declared its too itchy
Anyhow that it my first post on this new blog,four weeks to next essay,back at work after two days off,,,hmm